Refereed Publications
Johnson, S., Bausman, M. and Ward, S.K.L. (2021). “Fostering information literacy: A call for collaboration between academic librarians and MSW instructors,” Advances in Social Work, 21(1). DOI:
Ward, S.L., Brown, M., Margolin, S., Rana, A., Naseer, S., & Musayev, S. (2019). “Shifting the Balance of Power: Asking Questions about the Comics-Questions Curriculum,” In the Library With the Lead Pipe,
Margolin, S., Brown, M. & Ward, S.L. (2018). “Comics, questions, action! Engaging students and instruction librarians with the Comics-Questions Curriculum,” Journal of Information Literacy, 12(2), 60-75. DOI:
Baecher, L., Kung, S.C., Ward, S.L., Kern, K. (2018). “Facilitating Video Analysis for Teacher Development: A Systematic Review of the Research,” Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 26(2), 185-216.
Bausman, M. & Ward, S.K.L., (2016). “The Social Work Librarian and Information Literacy Instruction: A Report on a National Survey in the United States,” Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, 35(3), 109-122. DOI: 10.1080/01639269.2016.1243439
Ward, S.K.L. (2015). “Hidden in plain sight: the story of the Hunter College collection of Puerto Rican Graphic Arts.” Art Documentation: Bulletin of The Art Libraries Society of North America 34(2), 204-222.
Bausman, M. and Ward, S. K. L. (2015). “Library Awareness and Use among Graduate Social Work Students: An Assessment and Action Research Project.” Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 34(1), 16-36. DOI: 10.1080/01639269.2015.1003498
Bausman, M., Ward, S.K.L., & Pell, J. (2014). “Beyond Satisfaction: Understanding and Promoting the Instructor-Librarian Relationship.” New Review of Academic Librarianship 20(2), 117-136. DOI: 10.1080/13614533.2014.911192
Conference Presentations
Forthcoming: “Co-teaching and community in an online information literacy course,” SUNYLA Conference, June 2025.
Forthcoming: “A Place for Everyone: student-centered instruction in an asynchronous course,” Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) annual conference, June 2025.
Newman, J. and Ward, S.K.L., “One Piece at a Time: A Model for Asynchronous Modular Library Instruction,” Presented at the LOEX Annual Conference, May 6, 2022, Ypsilanti, MI. Slides:; Video of the presentation:
Ward, S.L., Brown, M., & Margolin, S., “Action-packed action research: how comic books, questions, and reflections can transform information literacy instruction,” Contributed paper presented at the ACRL National Conference, March 2017, Baltimore, MD.
Brown, M., Margolin, S., and Ward, S.L. “Superhero Training Academy: Preparing Students for their College Experience.” Presentation, New England Libraries Instructional Group Annual (NELIG) Conference, June 3, 2016, Springfield, MA.
Brown, M., Margolin, S. and Ward, S.L. “Turning Reflection into Action: Talking it out, making it work.” Presentation, Maryland Library Association/Delaware Library Association 2016 Annual Conference, Ocean City, MD, May 4-6, 2016.
Brown, M., Margolin, S. and Ward, S.L. “Is it a bird? Is it a plane? What can students learn asking questions about comics?” Presentation, LILAC 2016 Conference, Dublin, Ireland, March 21-23, 2016.
Brown, M., Margolin, S. and Ward, S.L. “From Comics to College: An Action-Packed Introduction to the Research Process.” CUNY Conference on Best Practices in Reading and Writing Instruction, LaGuardia Community College, New York, NY, November 7, 2015.
Ward, S.K.L. & Margolin, S., “Translation, Articulation, Communication.” Eastern New York ACRL Conference, May 19, 2015, Binghamton, NY.
Ward, S.K.L. “Prints with a past, preserved for the future: The Hunter College Collection of Puerto Rican Graphic Arts.” REFORMA National Conference V, April 3, 2015, San Diego, CA.
Pell, J., Ward, S.K.L., & Bausman, M. “Can’t Get No Satisfaction: Lessons Learned while Developing an Assessment of Faculty Awareness and Attitudes toward Library Services.” Paper presented and published in proceedings: CUNY Assessment Conference, June 6, 2014, New York, NY.
Bausman, M. & Ward, S.K.L., “The Instructor-Librarian Transaction: Developing a Proactive Model of Library Service Delivery,” ACRL-University Libraries Section (ULS) Current Topics Discussion Group at the ALA Annual Conference, June 2012.
Ward, S.K.L., “Investigating the effects of library instruction on library anxiety: a pilot study,” Poster Session, Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) Research Forum at the ALA Annual Conference, June 2010.
Invited Presentations
Ward, S.L., Brown, M., & Margolin, S., “Action-packed action research: how comic books, questions, and reflections can transform information literacy instruction,” workshop presented at Yeshiva University Libraries Mini-Symposium, New York, NY, January 9, 2020.
“Censorship Beyond Banned Books,” ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom panel discussion, ALA Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., June 23, 2019.
Conference Workshops
Ward, S.L., Newman, J., Brown, M., & Margolin, S., “Navigating the mess: A collaborative approach to mapping the research process,” Interactive workshop presented at the Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) annual conference, May 23, 2019, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
Margolin, S., Bellamy, E., & Ward, S.L., “Recalibrating our orbit: Examining misconceptions in order to improve library instruction,” Interactive workshop presented at the LOEX Annual Conference, May 2018, Houston, TX.
Ward, S.L, & Margolin, S., “Getting to the root of the matter: talking through our failures to foster innovation,” Interactive workshop presented at the LOEX Annual Conference, May 2017, Lexington, KY.
Ward, S.K.L. & Margolin, S. “Teaching Fails,” interactive workshop at CUNY LILAC Spring Training event, Guttman Community College, New York, NY, June 16, 2017.
Additional Presentations, Publications, and Workshops
Forthcoming: Panelist, “Practicing What We Teach: Co-teaching in a Collaborative Classroom,” CUNY Teaching and Learning Conference, April 4, 2025.
Forthcoming: Panelist, “Leading from Where You Are: Mid-Career Perspectives on Leadership across Academic Arts Librarianship,” ARLIS/NA Annual Conference, Online, May 2025.
Panelist, “Leveraging Institutional Resources,” USITT 63rd Conference & Stage Expo, St. Louis, MO, March 2023.
Newman, J. and Ward, S.K.L., “Share Alike! Join us on our OER journey,” Presentation at the LACUNY Grace-Ellen McCrann Memorial Lecture Series, November 11, 2022.
Newman, J. and Ward, S.K.L., “Learning as we grow: Co-teaching as a form of reflective assessment,” Virtual Poster Session, SUNYLA (Virtual) Annual Conference, June 17, 2021.
Newman, J. and Ward, S.K.L., “Block by block: working together to build a totally asynchronous online course,” presentation at LACUNY Dialogues on Zoom, New York, NY, February 19, 2021.
Johnson, S., Bausman, M., & Ward, S.K.L. “The Burgeoning Information Universe: Implication for Social Work Education and Practice,” ePoster presentation at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO, October 24, 2019.
Brown, M., Margolin, S., Ward, S.K.L. “Dialogues with students: Authentic feedback from SEEK Summer Bridge students at Hunter,” presentation and panel discussion at LACUNY Dialogues, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY, February 1, 2019.
Brown, M., Margolin, S., Ward, S.K.L. “Are they heroes or villains? Students ask questions about comics,” part of Comics for All: The Role of Libraries in Comics Culture and Scholarship roundtable discussion organized by Mara Thacker, at MIND THE GAPS! The Futures of the Field: The 1st Annual Conference of the Comics Studies Society, August 9-11, 2018, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
“Prints with a past, preserved for the future: The Hunter College Collection of Puerto Rican Graphic Arts.” Presented at Hunter College Libraries Annual Library Day Celebration, April 16, 2015.
Ward, S.K.L. (2018). Notes from the far side of tenure: a reflection. Posted to Librarian Parlor,
Margolin, S. & Ward, S.L., (2017). “10 Research Experiences: an active and applicable alternative to the ‘laundry list,’” LOEX Quarterly 43(1).
Ward, S.K.L. (2013). Balancing Act. In C. Smallwood, K. Harrod & V. Gubnitskaia (Eds.) Continuing Education for Librarians: Essays on Career Improvement through Classes, Workshops, Conferences and More (pp. 178-184). Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishing.
Luedke, J.E. & Ward, S.K.L. (2008). It all Started with a Button…. Urban Library Journal 15(1), 66-77.
Hunter College Academic Center for Excellence in Research and Teaching (ACERT) Lunchtime Seminars, ( – more than 15 presentations and workshops since 2008
Ward, S.K.L. “Library Outreach to Transient Populations – How do we do it?” Roundtable discussion, ACRL National Conference, March 2009, Seattle, WA.